Interpolation-sequential search

function search( key : typekey; var r : dataarray ) : integer; var j : integer; begin if n > 1 then begin {*** initial probe location ***} j := trunc( (key-r[1].k) / (r[n].k-r[1].k) * (n-1) ) + 1; if key < r[j].k then while (j>1) and (key<r[j].k) do j := j-1 else while (j<n) and (key>r[j].k) do j := j+1 end else j := 1; if r[j].k = key then search := j {*** found(r[j]) ***} else search := -1; {*** notfound(key) ***} end;

Pascal source (323.srch.p)

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