Taxonomic Classification with Maximal Exact Matches in KATKA Kernels and Minimizer Digests

Dominika Draesslerova, Omar Ahmed, Travis Gagie, Jan Holub, Benjamin Langmead, Giovanni Manzini, and Gonzalo Navarro.

For taxonomic classification, we are asked to index the genomes in a phylogenetic tree such that later, given a DNA read, we can quickly choose a small subtree likely to contain the genome from which that read was drawn. Although popular classifiers such as Kraken use k-mers, recent research indicates that using maximal exact matches (MEMs) can lead to better classifications. For example, we can This solution is practical, however, only when the total size of the genomes in the tree is fairly small. In this paper we consider applying the same solution to three lossily compressed representations of the genomes’ concatenation: With a test dataset and these three representations of it, simulated reads and various parameter settings, we checked how many reads’ longest MEMs occurred only in the sequences from which those reads were generated ("true positive" reads). For some parameter settings we achieved significant compression while only slightly decreasing the true-positive rate.